Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications Webinar 2021

July 13-16, 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most conferences have been moved to fully virtual events. Similarly, the Spanish Seminar on Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications (SIC), one of the main events for Spanish researchers in these areas to regularly meet and exchange ideas, has not been held since the 2018 SIC in A Coruña. As chairs of the Spain Chapter of the IEEE Information Theory Society, and as Spanish researchers in general, we believe it is time that we meet again, if only virtually. We have therefore decided to organize the Signal Processing, Information Theory and Communications Webinar 2021, a virtual event where we can again exchange ideas, re-establish our networks, or simply catch up. The webinar will take place right before the summer break, on July 13-16, 2021.

Given that we announce this event at short notice, we will keep it simple. The technical program will consist of pre-recorded videos of presentations of our work, which will be available on demand on July 13-23, 2021 to all registered participants. During the pandemic, most international conferences have required the submission of such videos as a replacement for the traditional talks, so we expect that many of you already have a video presentation at hand. Why not use it a second time and present it at this webinar to your Spanish colleagues?

To give you the opportunity to catch up with your friends and colleagues, we will further organize two videoconference meetings on July 14 and 15 at 11:00 CEST that are open to all registered participants.

Registration is free of charge and open to all members and non-members of the IEEE. More detailed information can be found in the Registration tab, but the key dates are the following:

  • Deadline for registration: July 12 at 18:00 CEST
  • Deadline for video uploads: July 8 at 12:00 CEST

This is the first time that we organize an event like this, so we do not know what to expect. In any case, we hope for a large attendance, and we are looking forward to meeting you soon!

Tobias Koch (koch -at-
President Spain Chapter IEEE ITSoc

Grace Villacrés (gvillacres -at-
Secretary Spain Chapter IEEE ITSoc
